COVID-19 Safety Protocols
The whole community went through a lot over the last few months, and we all are looking for ways to get back to our normal habits and routines. We, at Advanta Family Dental and El Paseo Dental Care, are dedicated to the safety of our patients and staff. We have taken certain infection control measures to make your visits to our office as safe as possible.
Virtual Waiting Room
Please give us a call when you arrive and remain in your vehicle until we assess your temperature. If you have a temperature at or above 100.4° F, we will reschedule your appointment.
Pre-Screening Of Every Patient
Before making an appointment, we will pre-screen patients on the phone, in case they have any symptoms.
Compulsorily Wear a Mask
Make sure to wear a cloth mask whenever you arrive at the dental office.
Social Distancing Within the Office
We keep social distancing and stay on top of ADA requirements. You will be offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment, as we need to manage appointments in a way to allow social distancing between patients.
Sanitize Your Hands
We have a hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office.
Oral Anti-Microbial Rinse
Before making you sit on the dental chair, you will have to use an oral pre-rinse for about 30 seconds.
Daily Health Check-Up For Our Team
We will keep in check the temperature of our staff each morning and ask the same screening questions as we ask our patients.
In addition to the "universal precautions," we are happy to announce that we have added more safety to the dental care we provide by keeping in consideration the protection of our patients and staff as well. We have reinforced our staff and doctor PPE barriers.
Surgical Clean Air
We want to serve all your dental needs in a safe environment, and so, we have added Air Filters to remove all chemicals and microbes. We know how important it is to keep the air of the dental office clean and also involve in a proper infection control regime.
Atomizer Fogger
Atomizer fogger is a device we use for disinfecting our office. It is safe and efficient, also providing fresh air by removing odor.
Sterilization of Instruments
This is something we do ever since we started our practice. You can trust us and need not worry about anything.
Advanced Staff Training
We have trained our team members regarding additional awareness, and also prevention programs to enhance their knowledge and keep them more prepared.
No Magazines Or Toys
Our waiting room will no longer be offering magazines, coffee, or toys, as its quite hard to clean and disinfect these items.
We appreciate you for staying strong during all such tough times. We look forward to seeing you again and happily answer any questions you may have in your mind regarding the steps we have taken to make your visit a safe and secure one. To make an appointment, please call our office at your nearest location.
We appreciate you for staying strong during all such tough times. We look forward to seeing you again and happily answer any questions you may have in your mind regarding the steps we have taken to make your visit a safe and secure one. To make an appointment, please call our office at your nearest location.
Dr. Justin Le and team
Dr. Justin Le and team